Savaria Symphony Orchestra

Szombathely (Hungary)

June 27 - July 01, 2022


330 min Podium Time - 1600€
150 min Conducting with Orchestra
180 min Coaching with piano


240 min Podium Time - 1300€
100 min Conducting with Orchestra
140 min Coaching with piano


Podium Time, Repertoire and Price
According to personal needs
Contact us to receive further information

Extras included in the fee

- 60 min Individual Online Meeting
1-2 weeks before the Workshop
- Video recordings
of each session and of the concert
- Everyday review and preparation


26: Arrival, check in and Welcome Meeting
27-28: analysis, preparation and piano session
29 morning: Orchestra Session
29 afternoon: Piano Session
30 morning and evening: Orchestra Sessions
01, July morning: Orchestra Session
01, July afternoon: Check out and departure


We will keep you informed about the latest national, regional rules for travelling, and protective measures.
We want to give you a peace of mind and a feeling of safety so that you can fully enjoy your participation to the workshop. Furthermore, we will follow a hygiene protocol:
- Hand sanitizer stations;
- Body temperature check;
- Markers on the floor to maintain safety distances;
- Single rooms;

application deadline: may 06


Beethoven – “Coriolan”, ouverture

Mendelssohn – “Die Hebriden”, ouverture 

Mozart – “Don Giovanni”, ouverture

Mozart – “Die Zauberflöte”, ouverture

Tchaikovsky – “Romeo and Juliet”,  ouverture-fantasy

Weber – “Der Freischütz”, ouverture



All lessons, sessions and concert will take place at the Bartok Hall, .Ràkòczi F. u. 3, Szombathely (Hungary)


ACCOMMODATION (not included in the fee)

There are single rooms with bathroom and breakfast included available in 2 different hotels. 

Please contact us, we have already rooms booked for you. 

Garda Hotel 3* – 48€/night 

Màtiàs Szàllas – 32€/night



Travel Information

The closest airports are Vienna International Airport and Budapest International Airport. 

We will provide all information about how to reach Szombathely via mail.


PAyment and cancellation policY

The payment will be made in 2 parts: 50% within 15 day after the confirmation and 50% within the beginning of the course.

There is no application fee.

In case of cancellation due to the development of the pandemic, the full fee will be returned. (Just the participation’s fee to the workshop, but not the plane ticket, nor the accommodation’s costs).

The participation at every session requires appropriate and respectful behavior. In case of any misconduct of a participant, the organization reserves the right to exclude this participant from the workshop. Please note that in such case, the course fee is not reimbursed.

are you interested?